We Are Sailing The Seven Seas

Representative logistic operator providing full range of service in the sphere of customs clearance and transportaion worldwide.
Chemical & Liner Vessels, Buses and trucks

Enjoy Life's Opportunities

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We Can Solve Any Problem

Road Freight

Interstate transportation by land of not more than 7 days

Ocean Freight

Intercontinental transportation by sea of not more than 30 days.

Air Freight

Intercontinental transportation by air of not more than 14 days.

Home Shipping

We provide home delivery, where your products are delivered directly to your and at your door step.

We believe that our work creates shared value for customers and society.

We offer all sorts of shipping modes from land to sea, to air. We offer top notch security. All goods are insured and well catered for.

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Why You Should Choose Us

We are a certified logistics service provider, resolved to give quality logistics services reliably, at a sensible cost and to ceaselessly enhance the same to enchant clients on a reasonable premise.

Global Responsibility


Narrow Specialization


First Class Service


What Our Clients Say

John Smith Client

Very well organized operations, modern warehouses are very neat & clean. My heartiest congratulation to CargoX Logistics.

Shantha Rachja Client

I am highly impressed with the professionalism and passion of people in this warehouse. I am also equally impressed with the "5S" principles followed in material storage. I am proud of you all. Keep it up

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